Good start at Munich’s exhibition for the ECONYL® brand
Kick off of the ECONYL® brand with a dedicated booth at Munich’s BAU 2013, an exhibition that touches upon a wide range of areas in architecture and construction.
There are not so many other exhibitions in the world that can boast of numbers like Munich’s BAU. A surface of 180.000 square meters, 240,000 visitors, 40 countries and over 2,000 exhibitors. But numbers don’t tell the whole story of BAU and its importance. At BAU people gathered together to talk about the present situation but also, and above all, about the future of architecture, city planning, sustainability and energy efficiency.
There was no better place than this to present the brand ECONYL® to all people working in these fields, and to explain the process of regeneration and the story that is behind this brand.
In ECONYL® booth everyone could admire the huge graphic representation of the regeneration process and it’s six steps, explore the upcoming ECONYL® website, and touch the materials involved in the process: from the fishing nets and fluff, to the polymers and the actual ECONYL® nylon yarn.
Next appointment with BAU will be in two years. Meanwhile a lot of things are going on with the ECONYL® brand: a new website, a twitter page and a lot more. Want to be part of the ECONYL® community? Stay tuned!