How Aquafil is addressing Sustainable Development Goals
While sustainable development and climate change are being discussed by world leaders at the G7 Summit in Taormina, we look deeper at our role as a business. We take it not just as a responsibility, but as a business opportunity.
Battling climate change, one of the greatest challenges of our time, is vital for the success of the wider concept of sustainable development. This has been recognized by the Italian G7 Presidency 2017, which built part of its work program around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). While transnational initiatives and agendas are essential for leading the way toward sustainability, they are not enough; it is crucial that the private sector take action. Businesses can tailor their activities to specific SDG, recognizing opportunities for making the greatest impact and at the same time driving their own growth. A great example is Aquafil, which has taken sustainability not just as a commitment but also as a business opportunity.