Corporate Governance
Board of Directors

She contributes to several scientific journals and is a member of bodies that promote sustainability policies on a global scale.
She combines university research with practice, participating as member of the board of directors within listed companies (e.g. Banco BPM, OVS, Aquafil) and others. From 2014 to 2022 she has been Chairwoman of Crédit Agricole FriulAdria (Crédit Agricole Italia Bank Group), being the first Italian woman chairing a bank.
Since 2022, Member of EFRAG Sustainability Reporting TEG.
From 2021 to 2022 Vice-Chair SME and Sustainability, Accountancy Europe, Bruxelles.
Since 2020, Member of IFAC Board (International Federation of Accountants).
From 2015 to 2020, Chairwoman of ESG Reporting Task Force, Accountancy Europe, Bruxelles.
From 2006 to 2012, Council Member of the municipality of Pordenone.

To achieve this vision, Bonazzi challenged the organization to develop a recycled nylon material by turning nylon trash into high-quality, beautiful fibers. Where others see waste, Bonazzi saw an opportunity.
After several years of investment in R&D and a relentless pursuit of a new way to regenerate nylon, ECONYL® was born. Aquafil launched ECONYL® regenerated nylon in 2011 and today it is one of the most sought after materials in the world for fashion designers and carpet manufacturers.
Bonazzi was appointed CEO of Aquafil in 2001 and added the role of chairman in 2008. He started his career at Aquafil in 1987, starting on the ground floor at the Aquafil plant in Arco. Since then he has helped the company grow, developing 16 plants in eight countries across three continents. Today, Aquafil is recognized as a sustainability leader, a stalwart example of the circular economy and an innovator within the synthetic textile industry.
Fortune has highlighted Aquafil on its Change the World list of companies that are addressing social challenges through their core business activities and the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy has awarded the company with a Transatlantic Award for fostering positive transatlantic relations between Italy and the U.S. for its investment in a carpet recycling plant in Phoenix, AZ.
He is a sought-after speaker and has shared insights on creating a circular economy at leading conferences including Texworld USA, Fashionnovation, the One Ocean Forum, the Responsible Business Summit, the Ethical Corporation Summit and the Copenhagen Fashion Summit. He is recognized by Forbes Italia as a Top CEO for innovation, international competitiveness and creating a great work environment.

Before starting to work for Aquafil Group in 1998, he served as Managing Director in a chemical textile company and worked for eight years in Electrolux Group’s companies, mainly in France. In 1999 he moved to USA and he contributed to set up Aquafil USA of which he became Chairman (General Manager) in 2006.

She is admitted to the Milan Bar since 2021 and since 2018 has been working at law firm DLA Piper in the Corporate and M&A department. She currently advises Italian and foreign companies with respect to M&A transactions, both domestic and cross-border, group reorganizations, and day-by-day corporate matters. Before joining DLA Piper, she worked at the Milan offices of the law firms Linklaters LLP and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP.

From 2022 CEO of Rotonium Srl, a deep-tech startup in the field of quantum computers.
From 2020 President of the Tolmezzo Local Economic Development Consortium (Cosilt).
From 1992 to 2021 CEO of Eurotech Spa company operating in the Edge Computing sector.

She is chairman of the board of statutory auditors in the listed company Piquadro SpA, and statutory auditor in the public company ATAC SpA, in Mediobanca SGR, Agilepower Srl, Agile Lab Srl.
She has served as an independent director in the listed company Maire Tecnimont SpA, and as chairman of the board of statutory auditors in the listed company GVS Spa.
She is enrolled in the list of Experts for the negotiated settlement of corporate crises and in that of Judicial Custodians and Sales Delegates, in the register of those in charge of management and control functions in CCI procedures and in that of Technical Consultants. She acts as an expert for company valuation, financial advisor and certifier of recovery plans. She is among the conferees for Italy of CERIL – Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law.

She started her career in consulting at Faber and then became Human Resources Director of Ceva Logistics BU with responsibilities in Southern Europe, Middle East & Africa and later Human Resources, Organization and Internal Communications Director for Europe and South America in TNT Post Group.
She then became Vice President Human Resources and Facility Management at Sky Italia Group and then she assumed the role of Chief Human Capital Officer at Montepaschi Group, where she remained 9 years. Afterwards she joined Vodafone Italia as Human Resources and Organization Director and member of the Executive committee.
She has been a member of the Widiba BoD of the Montepaschi Group, Director of the MPS Leasing and Factoring Banca BoD for Financial Services for Enterprises, in the BoD of Consel Consorzio Elis Scarl and in the Coordination Committee of the Permanent Young Editors Observatory.
(*) Director who has declared that he satisfies the independence requirements pursuant to Articles 147-ter, paragraph 4 of the Consolidating Law on Finance, as well as Article 3 of the Code of Self-Governance.