Latest prize to celebrate end of 2012
Before the end of the year, there was still time for the third prize given to Aquafil. As in others occasion, the prize was bestowed for the efforts towards innovation and sustainability of its products.
Five were the winners of the 2012 prize “Impresa Ambiente”. The event was promoted by the Italian Ministery of Environment and the Rome Chamber of Commerce. Aquafil won in the “best product” rank with the 100% regenerated ECONYL® caprolactam.
This is the third prize for Aquafil since the beginning of 2012. The others were: the “Green Public Procurment and sustainable projects for companies” from the Ministery of Economy and Consip, and the “Business Prize for Innovation” set up by Confindustria.
The three prizes reinforce Aquafil to keep going in its path toward sustainability and innovation, also thanks to the ECONYL brand®.